Anda dapat membuat flipbook prospektus pendidikan seperti ini


Harness the Power of Interactive Annotations

Annotations in a presentation can be used to get the audience involved and keep them engaged. Presenters can encourage attendees to interact with the slides by asking questions, pointing out specific areas for discussion, or even letting them write down their thoughts directly on the slides. This makes the presentation more interactive and exciting for everyone. It creates a back-and-forth interaction where attendees actively participate and share their ideas, making the whole experience more dynamic and enjoyable.

Bagikan Materi Pendidikan Anda di Mana Saja

Berbagi Tautan Langsung

Gunakan berbagai platform untuk membagikan materi promosi dengan mudah dan memperluas jangkauan pemasaran sekolah Anda.

Sematkan di Situs Web / Blog

Permudah eksplorasi promosi sekolah dengan menggabungkannya secara mulus.

Bagikan melalui Email

Terhubung dengan komunitas sekolah Anda secara langsung melalui promosi email yang dipersonalisasi.