Family Hangouts Greeting Card

Family Hangouts Greeting Card Edit Templat ini
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If you want to create a beautiful card for your family but don't know how to design it, here is a beautiful family photo collage card template, you can use this special card template to help you create your own card and send it to your family. This card has a blue and white color tone, some family photo collages, also has some plant illustrations in the background. It is made from InfoART, an intuitive greeting card design software. You can easily customize the design, change the text, color choice, and font selection. You can also change the illustration in the greeting card, a lot of illustrations that you can select in InfoART.

Not exactly the greeting card you wanted? Explore the InfoART library for more editable greeting card templates!

Greeting Cards Template Specifications:
Dapat disesuaikan:
This greeting card template can be customized to your requirements by changing the content, replacing images and design components, etc.
Dominant Color
600 x 400 px

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