
Create stunning reports with ease.

Don't have design skills? No worries! Our online Report creator provides a variety of expertly crafted templates designed by experienced professionals. Start with a Report template and effortlessly customize the colors, graphics, and photos to match your event, contest, or promotional content. Create visually stunning and captivating Reports without needing any design expertise.

Rich asset library

Engage with stunning icons, photos, and cliparts.

Set your creativity free as you design captivating reports embellished with captivating icons and graphics. Dive into our expansive stock library, which offers over 2,000,000 premium stock photos, illustrations, and icons, empowering you to create a distinctive and polished report that effortlessly grabs attention in a sea of ordinary.

Flexible design components

Design blocks made to fit

Elevate your information from mundane to captivating with InfoART's dynamic components, capturing your audience's attention. Explore a diverse range of thoughtfully crafted layouts that visually represent your data with perfection. Customize item count and theme to precisely align with your unique needs, ensuring a memorable impact.

Create Informative Reports Effortlessly with Our Online Report Maker

Create a Report in minutes

Unleash the potential of fast and effortless Report creation that surpasses your imagination. Tap into the power of our professional Report templates and embrace the intuitive interface of our free Report maker to expedite the process like never before.

No learning curve

No need for a design team! Visual Paradigm Online offers a free Report maker packed with a diverse selection of stunning templates. Even without design expertise, effortlessly create polished creations that radiate professionalism, leaving a lasting impression as if crafted by a seasoned pro.

Professional Report design

Discover a wealth of informative and captivating Report templates within Visual Paradigm Online. Crafting professional-quality Reports has never been more effortless with the aid of our online Report maker.

Our online Report maker helps you every step of the way

Choose a template

Choose from hundreds of pre-made Report templates designed by our design experts.

Make it your own

Customize the Report template with high resolution stock photos, icons and cliparts that are 100% free.


Download your Report design in major graphical format, share it, embed it on a web page.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Nein, Visual Paradigm Online befindet sich in der Cloud. Sie können von jedem Laptop oder Desktop-Computer mit einer Internetverbindung darauf zugreifen.

Ihr Konto wird in ein kostenloses Konto mit eingeschränkten Funktionen umgewandelt, wenn Sie Ihr Abonnement kündigen; Sie können jedoch weiterhin auf die Inhalte zugreifen, die Sie zuvor erstellt haben. Sie können Ihr Konto jederzeit wieder upgraden, um wieder Zugang zu den Premium-Funktionen zu erhalten.

Ja, das können Sie. Visual Paradigm Online bietet eine Reihe von Download-Optionen, darunter PNG, JPG und PDF.

Die Zahlungen erfolgen in US-Dollar und werden zu Ihrem Vorteil automatisch durchgeführt. Sie können jederzeit kündigen und werden für den nächsten Zyklus nicht belastet.

Wir akzeptieren Mastercard, Visa, Discover und American Express. Außerdem können Sie mit Ihrem Paypal-Konto oder per Banküberweisung bezahlen.

Sie können Visual Paradigm Combo Edition 30 Tage lang kostenlos testen. Diese beinhaltet alle Funktionen von Visual Paradigm Online. Viel Spaß!


Pump out your next Report in minutes with Visual Paradigm Online

Unleash your inner pro as you effortlessly craft flawless Reports, all without the need for any design skills.